Friends of Hydrography

Friends of Hydrography

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"The people are everything" is a widely stated quotation that is certainly true in the hydrographic community.  Mariners, surveyors, cartographers, explorers, engineers are all professions that found their way to this diverse community.  The following list of people is not exhaustive but is probably as complete as the easily accessible sources allow. These pages include CHS staff, ship's personnel and the many important support personnel including maintenance technicians, helicopter crews, and administration.   

If you would like to submit your own autobiography or have any information to add, please go to "Submitting my info"

Biographies of many CHS personalities are transcribed from biographies/obituaries written for professional magazines and newspapers.
Point form achievements have been abstracted from various sources (chiefly Mike Meehan’s History of CHS 1883 – 1947). Work is incomplete, but continuing.
David Gray

Many thanks must be given to Dave Gray for his many hours providing much of the information found on these pages. 

Last Name Table index