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The seven areas listed above are geographical areas and often do not coincide with Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) administrative regions. There are frequent overlaps and it may be necessary to access more than one area for the required information. A typical example is the Arctic area which includes surveys from all CHS Regions.
The information given for surveys is in chronological order and consists of six items:
- The YEAR the individual survey was conducted.
- The NAME of the Hydrographer-in-Charge.
- The ESTABLISHMENT, generally speaking the name of the survey vessel, or an indication that it is a shore party, i.e. the survey was conducted from a land based site.
- The LOCATION of the survey. This will be rather specific, i.e. Halifax Harbour, Lancaster Sound, Richelieu River, etc. This will often necessitate a number of 'surveys' for the same year and establishment.
- The PROJECT. Most will be 'Hydrographic' for a standard hydrographic survey. Others may be Revisory, Reconnaissance, Exploratory, Oceanographic, Multi-Disciplinary, etc.
- The SURVEY TYPE. Included are: Establishing Survey Control, Wharf, Harbour, Waterfront, Inshore , Coastal, Inland, Offshore, Shoal Examination, Range Lines or such other items as Training, Experimental, Tidal, Sailing Directions and in some cases 'various'.
Some surveys overlap the given chronological borders and may be found in another time period. It may, at times, be prudent to check adjoining time periods and /or areas.
Documentation for early surveys is often incomplete and gleaned from records intended for other purposes. From 1963 onward, there are 'Final Field Reports' in the CHS Library for most surveys. These give complete information of surveys.
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